Wednesday, November 5, 2008


First of all, I wanna congratulate Mr. Obama who had made a new history of the United States...It's unprecedented and a really celebratory moment when Mr. Obama was announced as the 44th president... he really did make a change to not only US but also the world...I am fan of him from Malaysia, people from the rest of the world are hoping to see and witness the real change to come...the world is one family, our relationships are tied beyond the races, integrity is formed among us with better leadership and better interactions between nations... this is the moment we're waiting for, so let's move forward to a better and brighter future of the to say, YES WE CAN !!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

谈绝对... (篇一)

意识常态中的概念告诉我们, 能够谈得上'绝对'的事物都必定是永恒或常量型的... '绝对'包含的意义就是百分百的肯定, 它是信心的象征词... 敢言'绝对'之辈即能担当大事之者, 但也暴露出此人之自信指数或超标, 殊不知其实他也在违背'绝对'之意, 逐成自我主义之奉行者...他何以违意? 前端不是已说了'绝对'就等同恒定不变? 但他自己却改变了, 岂不是矛盾之象? 本是自信, 却变成了自我, 褒成贬, 此为何道?

念及此, 无解, 突翻开昔日所买之'周易妙解'一书, 终得悟...此书之'易理篇'中'阴阳'一章言道: "阴疑于阳必战” 意为阴气旺盛至极点,必变阳。。。可谓“阴生阳道”也。。。再然,偶阅老子之“道德经”见于第四十章亦道:“反者,道之动,弱者, 道之用, 天下万物生于有,有生于无”,此话解:“正反往复,乃自然大道,其行动不息于宇宙间,也是阴阳相和之道”。。。鉴于夜已深,困意趋然, 本章唯有待续。。。

Wednesday, October 29, 2008


I, on the urge of sharing knowledges and interchanging views of the universe between readers and author. On the date of 30th October 2008, I, hereupon establish a blog of my own as to create a platform for the common interest of the universe.

Thyve's Terry-tory, as the name of this blog page, brings out the meaning of a mutual territory or 'tribe' for interactions between readers and me. Hence, I, Jian Jie @ Terry Thyve hereby declares my own self as the Chief of Thyve's Terry-tory. With that, I express my profound appreciation and gratitude to my blog readers as well as the tribe members for reading my blogs.